Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nithyananda Practices Bhairvi Sadana (Osho Tantra) in Graveyard

Bhairvi or Graveyard Girlfriend?
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, is this true that you took some female Rajneesh (Osho) sannyasin (female renunciant follower) with you to practice an Osho Tantra in Tarapit, Bengal? And with this young sannyasin, you, Sri Nithyananda, did Bhairvi Sadana (practice)?

Can you, Nithyananda, explain what this Bhairvi Sadana is? Does this involve midnight sex in the graveyard with a girl? And, that girl is known as Bhairvi?

Could you please clarify the name of your Bhairvi? If you cannot remember, that is OK. Later, we can post it for you to help your memory.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda, I'm confused. Is this Osho sannyasin your Bhairvi or your graveyard girlfriend?

Paramahamsa Nithyananda, can you tell us the name of any enlightened master who practiced this Bhairvi Tantra in the graveyard? This will be helpful to support your 'enlightenment' claims that you, Sri Nithyananda, are a living master. I’m sure that you are the real thing, and can give us some examples.

Isn’t it also true that followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a.k.a. Osho, practiced tantric sex? Could you let us know the details about this practice? It would help us all with our enlightenment if we practiced what you, Sri Nithyananda, practiced, won’t it?

In addition to Osho’s (Rajneesh) tantric sex practices, can you, Nithyananda, mention any living master who received enlightenment in the graveyard?

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